Spotlight on Videos

[25-Feb-2025] OIEx was featured in webinar that drew international attention and was hosted by the Times Higher Education and Digital Science of the UK.  The OIEx team shared how Ohio is using a data-driven strategies to seed and accelerate collaborations between academia and industry to advance innovation, economic growth and sustainable solutions to global issues.

[29-Jan-2025] The Columbus Metropolitan Club hosted a panel of experts, to share how Ohio’s colleges and universities are preparing for a climate where every dollar counts, where potential students are scarcer than a generation ago, and where partnerships and innovation are the keys to keep Ohio campuses thriving.

[12-Dec-2024] Cleveland, Ohio is emerging as a leader among Ohio’s urban districts in computer science education and teacher training. Led by Cleveland State University, learn how local employers, like the Cleveland Clinic and NASA Glenn, are shaping the future by offering transformative summer internships and opening doors to incredible career opportunities. 

[4-Dec-2024]  Mandana Ashouri, Associate Director, Licensing (Engineering) at The Ohio State University details the innovation and commercialization process focusing on energy storage, environmental monitoring, smart textiles, and LEO satellite technology.  This webinar was hosted by OhioX and sponsored by the Ohio Innovation Exchange

[1-Dec-2024] The Ohio Supercomputer Center’s newest, most advanced high performance computing cluster is ready to support research and education in Ohio and beyond. Cardinal, a Dell Technologies-based cluster, has been designed to meet the rising computational needs of artificial intelligence and machine learning work.   

[12-Sep-2024] With over 150 polymer-related manufacturing companies in the Akron region alone, and more than 500 across Northeast Ohio, the Greater Akron region and Ohio are poised to be the undisputed global destination for innovation and growth in and around the polymer industry.

[24-July-2024]  This virtual event featured Northeast Ohio Medical University's (NEOMED) life sciences business incubator, REDIzone, and profiled accomplished researchers, entrepreneurs, and inventors. 

[1-May-2024] The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a Regional Innovation Engine to the Great Lakes Water Innovation Engine. NSF’s initial investment is $15 million with a potential for a clear line of sight up to $160 million. Great Lakes ReNEW includes a coalition of partners, including but not limited to: NGOs, industry, universities, and national labs across six states in our region. 

[23-Aug-2023] Build, test, fly in Ohio, where ideas defy gravity. Here you’ll find planes without pilots, cars without wheels, and innovation without limits. So if you’re ready to build faster, test freely, and see your idea fly higher, then you’re ready for Ohio.

[12-Jul-2023] AI Partnerships w/ Industry & Talent + Workforce Development Strategies.  The latest stop on the 2023 Ohio Innovation Tour focused on AI Partnerships with Industry & Talent and Workforce Development Strategies for Businesses.

[7-Jun-2023] Intel Supply Chain and Central Ohio Higher Education Partnerships.  Featuring recent Ohio State grant recipients and their partners of the Intel Semiconductor Education and Research Program for Ohio.

[29-Mar-2023] Intel + Higher Education in Southeast Ohio.  In this webinar we featured awardees and their partners of the Intel Semiconductor Education and Research Program for Ohio.