OIEx Story Shared with International Audience at euroCRIS Conference in Paris, France
OIEx team member Jeff Agnoli was invited to share how the OIEx consortia model is helping drive discovery in research and innovation at the annual EuroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting held 26-28 November 2024 in Paris, France. Jackson Anderson, Head of Product Management-Research Workflows of partner Digital Science was in attendance supporting our efforts.
The euroCRIS is an international not-for-profit association founded in 2002 bringing together experts on research information in general and research information systems (CRIS) in particular. euroCRIS is committed to fostering cooperation and knowledge-sharing across the research information community and promoting interoperability of research information through the CERIF standard, the Common European Research Information Format.
This international organization for research information, held their 2024 annual Strategic Membership Meeting in Paris hosted by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE).
The Ohio Innovation Exchange -- the only U.S. based expertise system who participated in the conference -- was generously provided time on the agenda to share Ohio's unique efforts to promote innovation and discovery across the state and beyond.
The agenda included presentations on research information management systems (RIMS) from the international community of universities and academic disciplines. Representation from national and university-based RIMS included, but not limited to, France, Germany, UK, Spain, Poland, Italy, Finland, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Dominican Republic.