[29-Sep-2022] Jeff Agnoli, OIEx Senior Liaison for Strategic Partnerships, shares how the platform is being positioned as a next-generation solution to seed and stimulate collaborations between Ohio’s universities and industries. Read more
Spotlight on Videos
[11-Jul-2019] Supporting an ecosystem of innovation in Ohio, the OIEx web portal, a collaborative venture of higher education, industry and state government partners provides sought after information and access to faculty talent, resources and research support services.
[8-Apr-2019] Bolstering innovation by connecting Ohio's research universities with industry, OIEx project leaders share the strategic vision for the ODHE-sponsored initiative, what data is available, and why Digital Science Research Solutions, Inc. was selected.
[1-Oct-2018] The Ohio Innovation Exchange is launched by the Ohio Department of Higher Education making it easier to find university-based experts, resources, and supporting services in Ohio.