Ohio Third Frontier Research Incentive Funding Investment in OIEx
From ideation to introduction, the OIEx portal has grown in functionality, searchable assets, and partner universities now counting seven in number. The increasing visibility of OIEx as a statewide resource prompts several important considerations as it moves beyond design and development into the refinement and maturing phase of its lifecycle. Submitted by Tim Cain (Ohio University) and Kathryn Kelley (Ohio State University), a proposal entitled: "Sustainable Stewardship of the Ohio Innovation Exchange: Building Connections and Capacity Across the Ecosystem." secured funding for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Focusing attention and activities on advancing OIEx and its evolving network as a scalable, valuable and sustainable component of the broader, thriving ecosystem of innovation in the State of Ohio., the proposal details tactical approaches to be pursued that will: [AIM I] introduce efficiencies to improve data quality and richness; [AIM II] bolster promotional efforts that accelerate awareness and adoption; and [AIM III] integrate sustainability practices. Sustainable stewardship of the Ohio Innovation Exchange is vital as this maturing platform strives to accelerate access to needed information, building connections across sectors, and creating capacity while leveraging an ecosystem of knowledge innovation, translation and application for the State of Ohio.